When you’re heading out for the day, the last thing you need is a jammed zipper. Whether it’s on your jacket or a handbag, an unruly zipper can ruin your plans. Knowing how to unstick a zipper that’s jammed can save you in a pinch. It doesn’t take long to fix a stuck zipper. Check out these pointers.
The first step to fixing a jammed zipper is to inspect it closely. Don’t continue to tug, hoping that the slider will come free; you might break it! If you break the slider on your zipper, you’ll need a FixnZip™ easy replacement zipper to continue using your tent, backpack, or garment. You can simply attach the FixnZip™ and continue using your zipper as usual.
While you inspect your zipper, you may notice that the fabric of your item has become stuck in the slider. In this case, it’s important to know how to unstick a zipper from fabric. Gently remove any fabric that is stuck to unjam your zipper. Sometimes, threads may wind themselves through your slider or zipper teeth. You may need scissors to help you remove these threads so that you can unjam your slider.
Your zipper might become jammed if the pieces are sticking together. Luckily, you can use various household items to lubricate your zipper. Lubricating your zipper will reduce friction and help the slider glide across the teeth. Common items you can use to lubricate zippers include:
With the right tools, you can figure out how to unstick a zipper that’s jammed in time for any occasion. You no longer need to throw out items that don’t work just because of the zipper. If your zipper becomes completely busted and you lose the pull or slider, you can use a FixnZip™ to solve your problem in a pinch. Get one today to keep around so that you’re ready for any zipper malfunction. Contact us with any questions and for more information!
You want your investment in your boat to pay off, but when the zippers on your boat cover begin to stick, you might second guess your decision. Living or working near the water requires as much maintenance out of the water as you get to spend time in it. If you love fishing or diving, it is worth keeping your equipment clean so that you can use it for many years to come.
Proper maintenance means inspecting your zippers. If the zippers on your boat cover or any other marine gear stop working, you won’t be able to use it anymore. Keep reading to discover common issues with marine zippers and how to fix them so you can stay dry no matter where you sail.
Marine equipment includes all sorts of zippers. The main types of marine zippers are boat and wetsuit zippers. You might have one on your boat if it has an enclosure. Fasteners for boat covers must be strong and durable. Your boat zipper should be able to withstand natural elements like weather as well as whatever type of water you’ll have it in most.
Marine equipment often gets dragged through the sand or mud. Natural water isn’t always enough to wash it all away. If you don’t regularly clean your zippers, they can become caked with dirt, which can clog the teeth and prevent the slide from moving across them. Further, water can corrode metal and plastic, causing your zipper to get stuck.
Your marine zipper can fail for a myriad of reasons. The entire zipper could be dirty or corroded and need a good cleaning. Before tugging on the slide, inspect the zipper to see if anything is caught in it. Loose threads can easily get caught in your zipper slider and prevent it from working. Another cause of zipper failure is broken or missing zipper teeth. Further, the teeth might not line up and may separate even after you use the slider.
To fix a zipper, it can help to know how they work, and that requires understanding the different parts of a zipper. Though seemingly simple, zippers are engineered from several parts. If one piece isn’t working correctly, the whole thing stops working. The six common parts of a zipper include:
The two most common zipper materials are metal and plastic. For marine equipment, plastic is better because water corrodes metal. If you have a metal slider on metal teeth, they are likely to fuse together once water hits them—especially salt water. You may also enjoy nylon coil zippers because they are flexible. Since marine equipment is costly, invest in products designed to last a long time no matter how well you maintain them.
The zipper for your boat cover or wetsuit is essential. Without it, you can’t use your important item. The last thing you want is to find out that the zipper isn’t working at the exact moment you want to use your marine gear. To avoid a catastrophe, you should clean your marine zippers after each use. Since dirt and debris will likely get inside each time you use your boat or other gear, be sure to clean your items after taking them in the water. You can avoid mildew, corrosion, and pests if you stay on top of maintenance.
To keep your zipper working smoothly, you should lubricate it. A graphite pencil is the most common item to use, but you may also find success with Windex, candle or Crayon wax, or even lip balm. In general, it is best to lubricate high-quality zippers that you want to last a long time. Since marine zippers are attached to high-ticket items, consider taking this extra step.
Pro Tip: Avoid lubricants that contain silicone. Silicone lubricants may attract particles like sand and dirt to your zipper, which can stick in the teeth and clog them.
If your zipper sticks due to corrosion, you may need to clean it with vinegar. With a vinegar mixture, you can dissolve the corrosion and unstick the slider from the chain. Especially if you take your marine gear into the ocean, salt water can cause corrosion around your zippers. You might see a white film build up around the slide or parts of the teeth.
Sometimes, all the cleaning in the world isn’t enough to keep your zipper working. If you neglect zipper care for too long, you may need to replace your zipper. For instance, if the pull comes off or the slider breaks in any other way, you may need to replace your zipper. You may also need a replacement if the teeth break.
When it comes to marine zipper replacement, you have many options. How you do it may depend on your level of expertise. Skilled sewers can cut out the existing zipper and sew in a new one with a sewing machine or by hand. An easier method is to use no-sew zipper repair parts that allow you to simply attach a FixNZip as soon as you notice your zipper isn’t working.
If you own a boat, it is important to know about common issues with marine zippers and how to fix them. You never know when damage could cause your equipment to stop working. Having a plan in place for when disaster strikes is the best way to stay prepared. No matter what happens to your zippers, the FixNZip can solve it. Simply attach it to your current zipper and use it like a regular slider. Shop our online store to get yours today.
Zippers are necessary on backpacks for security. If your backpack zipper isn’t working, your backpack becomes useless. Rather than throw it out, you might want to consider learning how to replace a broken backpack zipper. Zippers bust and jam for all sorts of different reasons, meaning they require different solutions. Keep reading to uncover a solution to all your broken zipper issues.
One of the most common broken zipper problems is the chain coming loose from the slider. If your zipper teeth fall out of the slider, try slipping the chain back inside. Sometimes, zipper slides can become loose, causing the chain to fall out. When this happens, your backpack won’t zip up.
You may need to tighten the slider on your backpack zipper for several reasons. If the chain falls out of the slider, you should tighten it once you put the zipper back together. Additionally, you may need to tighten the slider if your backpack zipper is separating. If this doesn’t work, replacing your backpack zipper might be the best solution.
The reason you need a replacement backpack zipper could be the result of more serious damages. Your zipper could break so badly that you need to replace part of it. If your backpack zipper is busted, and you can’t use the pull or the slide, you may need a zipper head replacement. For instance, if threads or corrosion cause the slide to stick, you may need a new zipper slide and pull tab. You could use a needle and thread to replace your zipper or try an easier no-sew solution.
Replace your broken zipper with a FixNZip replacement piece. You can take a FixNZip with you anywhere just in case the zipper suddenly breaks on your backpack, tent, or jacket. Simply loosen the thumbscrew and attach it to your zipper chain. Tighten the thumbscrew, and then you can start using it like a normal zipper slider. You’ll never worry about how to replace a broken backpack zipper again. Visit our online store to get a FixNZip zipper head replacement today.
Are you trying to make or mend a jacket? Making your own clothes or repairing a broken zipper can seem like a large task if you’re not a guru at the sewing machine. Knowing how to choose the right zipper for your project could be the difference between keeping something you worked hard on and throwing it away. Keep reading to discover all your options for zippers.
You can tell what size your zipper is by looking at the tab. Most zippers list either a #5 or #10 to designate the zipper width for which the tab is meant. The wider the zipper, the larger the tab will be. Zippers are measured in millimeters with the teeth closed. The most common zipper sizes and their applications are as follows:
Most zippers are made of plastic or metal, but you must pay attention to more than that when choosing the right zipper for your project. VISLON zippers and ZIPLON zippers are both made of plastic. The latter is known as a “coil” zipper that allows it to bend, which is necessary for boats and tents. Further, some zippers are “concealed” or “invisible.”
The difference between a continuous and a finished zipper is that a finished zipper has a box and pin at one end that stops the zipper from running off the track. Finished zippers are known as jacket zippers since that is what they are commonly used for. Continuous zippers do not have a beginning or endpoint and are typically used with backpacks and tents.
Locking zipper sliders have a mechanism inside of them that keeps them in place unless the tab is pulled. Non-locking zippers will move with the slightest touch even if you pull on the teeth, while a locking zipper slider holds stronger. While a locking zipper must still be compatible with your size and material, you can use it with plastic or metal zippers.
You can stop worrying about choosing the right size and material when you use a FixNZip universal zipper repair kit. This no-sew option makes understanding how to choose the right zipper for your project much simpler. Take on any zipper encounter with confidence.
As the weather begins to warm up, you might start to crave the great outdoors again. Spending time in the backyard and going on hikes is one way to enjoy nature, but if you really want to try connecting with the natural world, plan a camping trip. Figuring out how to prepare for your first spring camping trip may seem like a great undertaking if you’ve never slept beneath the stars before.
Some people prefer to camp alone, while many enjoy taking a group of friends or family members. Camping is a nostalgic pastime for many people, yet some have never had the chance. Whether you have some experience or are completely new to this hobby, let these tips and tricks guide you when making your camping checklist.
Always check the weather before you go camping. While there are certain times of the year when people go camping despite the weather (i.e. Memorial Day and Fourth of July), you don’t want a storm to ruin your trip. Some people use the Farmers’ Almanac or another resource to help them predict the weather months in advance. Though it is not always accurate, you can use an asset like this to help you plan a camping trip. Regardless of what is predicted, you will still want to check a weather app or the news for the days that you will be outdoors so that you can pack accordingly.
You could run into cold weather at any time of the year. You should pack for the weather you are expecting—but be prepared for anything. Weather can change in an instant. A bright and shiny weekend can turn into thunderstorms—or even snow—but you don’t have to let that ruin your fun. Bring extra layers so that you won’t get cold.
Before you pack all your camping stuff up in the car, you’ll want to inspect everything you’re going to use. Items from last season may have worn out or been damaged in ways you don’t remember. The last thing you want is to discover that your tent or sleeping bag has a broken zipper after you get to your campsite.
Bring your camping gear to your backyard to give it a test run. Make sure you know how to set up your tent and that each feature works as you expect. If you find any broken zippers, you’ll be able to quickly fix them with the FixNZip zipper pull tab replacement. The cause of a broken zipper is typically that the slide has come off the track or the feet of the track are no longer connecting.
The only way to avoid bugs completely is to go camping before they begin populating. Trusting that you want to be outside when it is warm, you’ll have to find a way to coexist with these many-legged creatures. Mosquitoes and flies especially enjoy areas where there is standing water, which is unavoidable in most forested areas. The best ways to keep bugs away include:
It is better to be safe than sorry when camping. The possibility of an injury is imminent when you are hiking rugged trails, cooking over open flames, and using unfamiliar equipment. An injury is less likely to ruin your camping adventures if you have the essentials on hand. A well-stocked first-aid kit includes:
Whether it is due to inclement weather while you’re camping or the general dampness that comes with spring, you are likely to get wet at some point during your trip. Your goal should be to stay as dry as possible, so you do not get sick. Though spring is the beginning of the warm months, it can bring on cold nights, especially when it rains.
You can prepare for a potentially wet environment. Leave your wool sweaters at home and choose cotton blends instead. Wool absorbs water and does not dry as easily. You can also bring extra clothes to layer, as well as towels and blankets. A tarp is a versatile item that can be used to protect the bottom of your tent from mud, or to create a shelter. You may also want to bring waterproof matches.
For many people, one of the most memorable parts of camping is the food. Homecooked morning meals and hearty dinners are the pillars of fireside cooking. Likely, there won’t be a restaurant or grocery store nearby, so you must prepare ahead of time if you want to eat. Essential tools that you will need to cook a delicious meal on the fire include:
The type of food you get to eat while you’re camping depends on what you bring. No one is foraging for food in their state parks or at the local lake campground. Grab a couple coolers and fill them with eggs, hot dogs, bacon, cheese, and everything else you’ll need to make incredible meals. Plan out what you want to make each day so that you don’t over or under-pack. Bring snacks that you know will keep you full between meals—i.e. trail mix, beef jerky, and granola—so you won’t lose your energy or have to leave the campground for additional food.
Experienced campers who visit the same parks each year know that their favorite paths and trails change with the seasons. Weather causes trees to fall and new foliage to grow in places that could make last season’s hike unrecognizable. With the way rivers swell and recede, you might have to take an entirely different route to get to that waterfall you found last time you visited a campsite. If you can, rely on maps and stay on marked trails so that you don’t get lost.
When it comes to a successful camping trip, your greatest asset is your plan. If you’re trying to figure out how to prepare for your first spring camping trip, make a check list of all the items you need. Enlist your friends or family (i.e. your camping compadres) to help you list out and assemble everything you need for the ultimate spring camping adventure.
As spring begins to swing, you may be itching to get your camping gear out and take to the woods. While it’s devastating to pull out your tent and discover a broken zipper, nothing is worse than not realizing it until you get to your campsite. You can be proactive with these tips for fixing a broken zipper on your tent with the FixNZip.
Your tent experiences a great deal of wear and tear in just one warm season, regardless of how often you take it outside. Camping equipment can become easily damaged, and zippers are often the first to go. A broken zipper is merely a sign your zipper slider is worn out, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the whole tent needs to be replaced. Typically, when a zipper is broken that means it’s fallen off its track or has a problem with the teeth not connecting.
While you might be willing to sew in a new zipper if you catch the problem at home, a no-sew zipper slider is quick and functional for camping. You can use a FixNZip slider to repair tents with closed-end zippers. This easy replacement zipper has strings on both sides that you can use on the inside and outside of your tent.
For closed-end zippers, you can begin your repair anywhere on the track. Start by loosening the thumb screw and then fit both ends of the zipper track into the FixNZip. Next, twist the thumb screw down tight and then loosen it a quarter of a turn so the zipper has room to slide. You may need to keep the replacement zipper tight since closed-end zippers can get loose. If the zipper ever becomes unattached and gaps open, you can back up the FixNZip and tighten down the thumb screw before using it again.
Don’t forget to pack a FixNZip the next time you go camping. Try these tips for fixing a broken zipper on your tent with FixNZip and you’ll save yourself time, money, and hassle. FizNZip also works with sleeping bag zippers, backpack zippers, and clothes. Check out our camping guide before your next adventure!
A lot of people have been emailing me lately about FixnZip Double Zip Repair. Yes, I will show you how to fix a broken Double Zipper! I will show you How to Repair a Zipper which has Two Sliders. Because FixnZip Kit will work ALL types of a zippers. First off, a double zipper has two sliders on the same zipper track that can open the zipper from either end. You can find a double zipper on items like jackets, sleeping bags, and tents. Sometimes the two sliders meet in the middle. However, some are flush and zip away from each other. In short, the FixnZip works on ALL these zipper types. Two Slider zippers are just one type. FixnZip innovative tool can be used to repair ALL zipper types. I'll walk you through why this problem occurs and how to repair it simply. If you don't like reading, just scroll down to the video.
Usually, a Two Slider Zipper will stop working because the one or both of the sliders has worn down or broken off. You can tell there's a problem with the zipper sliders when the teeth won't stay connected. If one of the sliders on a double zipper is broken or has popped off, then the zipper isn't functional. What to do? Easy, you replace the broken zipper slider.
You can always have a seamstress repair the broken zipper, unless you are a sewing nerd expect to pay a premium for fixing it. Boat cover zippers are an especially complicated zipper! A seamstress guru priced out a repair in the 2K range of cost! No mention the time it would take. Want an easy fix? You can use the FixnZip as the replacement zipper slider for one or both sliders on the Zipper With Two Sliders. It doesn't require any tools or sewing, and you can fix your broken zipper in a matter of minutes.
I put together a short video to show you how. I use a jacket to demonstrate, but it's the same process on any item with a broken double zipper.
If you can't watch the video, find instructions here on our website. The insert that comes with the FixnZip also has instructions.
The only difference between a regular zipper and a double zip is that, if both zipper sliders are broken, you'll put the top FixnZip on right-side up, and the bottom one on upside down. Then you feed the other row of teeth through both sliders, just like you did before it was broken. EASY!
The FixnZip comes in small, medium, and large. These three sizes work for just about any zipper out there. A Zipper With Two Sliders is usually found on jackets, bags, tents, and sleeping bags. These are typically a size medium, but take a look at our sizing guide to be sure. The FixnZip also works on any type and material: tooth or coil zippers in metal, plastic, or nylon. Whatever your zipper, FixnZip can repair it.
You can buy the FixnZip on our online store. You can check out the list of retailers that carry it here. I hope that helps you fix your broken double zipper. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us using our Contact page.
I have a favorite hoodie. It’s comfortable, all lined in fleece, and has an embroidered logo of my favorite NFL team. I wear that thing constantly during football season and through the winter until the weather warms up. Out of nowhere, the zipper stopped working. The teeth would separate as soon as I’d zip it up. The good news is, I fix zippers for a living, so I knew just how to fix it, and I’m going to share how you can easily Repair Zippers That Separate or Come Undone, too.
Why does the zipper keep splitting?
Most of the time, a zipper won’t stay zipped because there’s not enough tension in the zipper slider to connect the teeth correctly. It’s not easy to diagnose because you can’t tell just by looking at the zipper slider that it has lost tension. But you know something’s wrong when your zipper separates as soon as you zip it up. Have you seen how much it costs to replace a zipper on pants? Replace a zipper on a dress? full zipper replacement will start somewhere in the $65 – $75, range. You also need to purchase the correct zipper. To repair something made of leather or a designer outfit costs double that. Read on to learn how to Repair Zippers That Separate or Come Undone.
How can I fix it?
When a zipper slider loses tension, the slider needs to be replaced. There’s not an easy way to put a new slider on a zipper. So unfortunately, you usually need to take out the entire existing zipper and put in a new zipper. This is a waste of a perfectly good zipper. Full zipper replacement will cost you up to $75.00 to have it done professionally! There is another way! Fortunately, for your favorite zipper clad item, I will show you here how to Repair Zippers That Separate or Come Undone.
Enter the FixnZip. Its' a replacement zipper slider and you don't need tools or sewing to install it. It is made to Repair Zippers That Separate or Come Undone! The unique thumbscrew design allows you to fit the slider right over the existing zipper teeth! Next, adjust the tension so your zipper always stays closed. This works no matter if the zipper is metal, nylon, or plastic, tooth or coil. Check out this video to see how it’s done:
Does it work on other zippers?
In the video to Repair Zippers That Separate or Come Undone, I showed you how to fix a separating zipper on my jacket. However, the FixnZip works on other zippers that keep splitting! Zippers on a tent, backpack, or sleeping bag. The only difference is that those have closed-end zippers. It makes installing the FixnZip is just a little different. FixnZip has a video showing you how to fix a closed-end zipper here.
What size should I use?
A quick note on sizing. The FixnZip comes in small, medium, and large. This sizing covers just about every zipper out there. I used a size medium FixnZip in the video. This is what fixed the separating zipper on my hoodie. Medium is the same size you’d use on a sleeping bag or tent. See the sizing page on our website to find the right size FixnZip to fix your broken zipper. You can buy the FixnZip on our online store or at one of our retailers.
In conclusion, if you need any tips on fixing a zipper that keeps splitting, we’re here to help. Do you have questions about Repairing Zippers That Separate or Come Undone? If I didn’t answer your question in the video, just shoot us a message on our contact page.
One of my favorite getaways is heading out to the Oregon Coast for the weekend. I was throwing clothes into my duffel bag for one such weekend when I realized my duffel bag zipper had broken. It might sound silly, but this little duffel was the perfect size to hold everything I’d need for a few days. No spare duffel bag lying around—why would I when I already had the perfect duffel bag? You know what I did have? I had a spare FixnZip ready to use! Zipper fixed, crisis averted, beach weekend a go.
Most zippers fail because the slider has worn down and loses tension. This results in a zipper track that won’t stay closed or gets misaligned or jams. Other times, the slider just pops right off. Either way, you’re stuck with a bum zipper on a bag, therefore it doesn’t serve its purpose.
Your options are: (1) throw it away, (2) take it to a seamstress to fix (you may as well buy a new duffel bag for that price), (3) rip out and replace the entire zipper track, which requires sewing skills, or (4) use one of those other zipper repair kits that require sewing, which is basically like Option 3. The FixnZip keeps your duffel bag out of the landfill. FixnZip requires no sewing knowledge. Your new Fixnzip saves you the cost of paying someone to fix it or buy a new one.
The FixnZip kit is a replacement zipper slider that works on all types of zippers and materials (plastic, metal, nylon, coil). It comes in three sizes to fit just about any size zipper out there. A small works for zippers like you might find on couch cushions and purse pockets, the medium is for duffel bags, jackets, backpacks, tents, and sleeping bags, and the large is for heavy duty zippers like on boat covers and wet suits.
So, you have a duffel bag with a broken zipper, and now you know you can fix it with a FixnZip. But how? We made a video to show you exactly how to do that. If you can’t watch the video, then follow these steps:
First, take your size medium FixnZip (a medium will work on most duffel bags) and loosen the thumb screw.
Next, hold one side open and slip it over the zipper teeth on your bag. If it’s a closed-end zipper, you’ll need a little extra finger dexterity to slide the teeth into both sides at the same time. See the video for a good visual on this step.
Now, tighten the thumb screw down until it’s tight, but not so tight that it can’t slide. It usually helps to tighten it completely, then loosen it a quarter turn.
Finally, zip it up. If the teeth don’t connect, that means you need to tighten it a little more. If it’s hard to zip, loosen it up a little. If you’re fixing a closed-end zipper, starting the zipper can be a little tricky, so be sure to take a peek at the video for some tips.
Purchase a kit on our online store, or you can visit one of our retailers. Have any questions? Feel free to call or email us using the Contact page, or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter. Zipper repair doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Make it easy on yourself and pick up a FixnZip. You’ll save your stuff, your money, and your time. And who knows, maybe you’ll even get a weekend getaway out of it.
We all have a favorite jacket, hoodie, or fleece. The one that fits like a glove or provides just the right amount of warmth or has a hood that actually shields your face from the rain. The coat your hand automatically reaches for on your way out the door. You’re probably imagining it now, feeling its warm embrace wrapping you up in a comforting hug. You’ve been through so much together. Adventures, relationships, the mundane tasks of everyday life. And then one day, a broken zipper.
That’s when the denial starts. You probably never really used the zipper, right? Maybe you can just hold it closed. After the wind whips your jacket out of your hands and your shirt gets soaked with rain, you move on to anger. How could this happen? It’s your favorite jacket! Why couldn’t the zipper break on that neon ‘80s monstrosity your grandma gave you last Christmas? Then you start to bargain. You promise you’ll eat more kale if you can just get your jacket zipper to work again. And finally, acceptance. That’s it. The jacket is no good without the zipper. You just need to let it go.
You might be on that final stage now, ready to throw your old friend away. Wait! Don’t do it! We have a solution for you: the FixnZip.
How does the FixnZip work?
FixnZip is a jacket zipper replacement slider that fixes a broken zipper without any tools or sewing. All you do is slip it over the zipper teeth on your jacket, tighten down the thumbscrew, and you’ve got a working zipper in a matter of seconds. Did the zipper slider on your jacket break, jam, or pop off? That’s ok! The FixnZip replaces a broken zipper slider. What if the zipper teeth jammed or a few of the teeth broke? The FixnZip can fix a jammed zipper and can slide over some broken teeth to allow your jacket to zip again.
What size should I use?
A FixnZip size medium will work for most jacket zippers. If you have a heavy-duty work jacket, it might be a size large. Check out our sizing guide to choose the right size FixnZip to fix your broken jacket zipper.
Where can I buy a FixnZip jacket zipper replacement?
It’s easy to order a FixnZip from our online store, but if you don’t want to wait for shipping, you can find the FixnZip replacement zipper slider at some retailers.
There, now. Don’t you feel better? Your jacket’s as good as new again. The clouds have parted, the wind died down, the sun is shining, and your faithful companion will be with you for years to come.
P.S. The above picture is real. FixnZip been featured on the Today Show three times. You can check out the most recent highlights with Kathie Lee and Hoda or one of the previous segments with Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie , and Al Roker.