Marine Zippers

Marine Zippers - Zipper Repair for Your Boat

If you’re an avid boater, then you know that boats have zippers everywhere. You’ll find zippers on the bridge enclosure, the boat cover, seat cushions, life jackets, and even non-boat-specific items like duffel and gear bags or your fishing vest. It’s a pain to have a zipper break on a gear bag or vest, but it’s a shot in your wallet to have your zipper fail on something big like a boat cover. You’re talking feet and feet of zipper length to replace, for roughly the cost of an arm and a leg. Luckily, we’ve got you covered, both your boat and your wallet, with the FixnZip®.

FixnZip® is a replacement zipper slider that fixes a broken zipper without tools or sewing. That means if a zipper breaks when you’re out on the water, you can just pull out your spare FixnZip® and have an easy marine zipper repair in a few seconds. Not too long ago, a guy brought his sail cover into our office trying to find an alternative to paying a seamstress hundreds of dollars to replace the 30-foot-long zipper. Within a few seconds, and for under $10, he had the FixnZip® installed on the sail cover and the zipper working again like new.

How does it work?
The FixnZip® is a replacement zipper slider (the little box you pull up and down on the zipper teeth to open or close a zipper). Whether the teeth on your zipper are separating and won’t stay closed, the zipper is jammed, or the slider breaks or falls off, the FixnZip® can fix it. Check out this video to see how it works on a bridge enclosure:

What size marine zipper should I use?
A size large is the common size for boat covers, bridge enclosures, and life jackets. You’d want to use a medium for a jacket or duffel bag, and seat cushions would use a size small. It’s always handy to have extra FixnZip® replacement zipper sliders with you, so we’d recommend picking up a three-pack, which comes with one of each size. You can also check out our sizing guide if you need help figuring out what size to order.

Will the FixnZip® rust in salt water?
No! It’s made of zinc and stainless steel and is completely non-corrosive. The FixnZip® is popular in the diving industry because of how well it works on wetsuit zippers, and there’s no risk of it ever rusting. The boating industry is catching wind of the FixnZip®, too. Check out the write-up we got in Great Lakes Boating Magazine (page 51).

Where can I get marine zipper?
We have a full selection in our online store, or you can visit one of our retailers.

If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us using the Contact page, or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter. Now get out there and enjoy the rest of the summer on the water without worrying about your boat’s zippers, or about your wallet.


There are plenty of camping survival guides out there already, but there's not much when it comes to glamping. Don't worry, Glampers, I've got you covered.

5 Must-Haves For Your Next Glamping Excursion
  1. Cozy Bedding: You can't go out into the wilderness without a plan to stay warm at night. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get much better than anything from Anthropologie, especially a great quilt with matching shams. If you have to bundle up under the covers, you might as well look good doing it.
  2. A Night Light: Every glamper needs a light to see by, but there's no reason you need to settle for a simple flashlight. Next time you crack open your copy of Pride and Prejudice out under the stars, make sure your light fixture is on par with the beauty surrounding you.
  3. Good Food: It's a proven fact that BBQ tastes better while camping (especially glamping). That's why you should always stock up on good quality steak, maybe add sautéed mushrooms or Brussels sprouts on the side.
  4. Good Drinks: The best way to unwind after a long, strenuous day of glamping is to treat yourself to something really special. If you aren't a wine drinker, you could always go for my personal favorite, a limited release from Reverend Nat's.
  5. Sewing Machine FixNZip Replacement Slider: Carting around a heavy piece of equipment isn't easy, especially while trying to maintain a spacious and relaxing glamping tent. That's where FixNZip comes in... Next time you have a broken zipper threatening to completely ruin your glamping adventure, you'll be all set. No tools, no sewing (no sewing machine, either), just an easy way to fix your tent zipper. Before you know it, you'll be sleeping worry-free on your pillow top mattress.
Well, that should get you started! There's obviously plenty more that could be added to the list, but these are definitely the must-haves. And if you prefer to rough it out there, we have a guide for your first non-glam camping trip, too. You’ll find that the FixnZip can help you repair backpack zippers, sleeping bag zippers, and more!

There’s nothing more frustrating than having a day on the water ruined by a broken zipper on your wetsuit. But before you throw away your old wetsuit, or spend a lot of money getting a wetsuit zipper repair check out our guide for replacing the broken zipper slider on a wetsuit for under $10.

Signs That You Need to Replace the Zipper Slider

Teeth Separate After Zipping: If the teeth separate after zipping up, then the slider is worn out or no longer has enough pressure on the teeth to connect them. The teeth are probably fine, but the slider needs to be replaced.

Zipper Slider is Jammed or Won’t Connect the Teeth: If the slider won’t connect the teeth, the slider is either worn out and not connecting the teeth, or it is no longer aligned properly to connect the teeth. In both cases the slider should be replaced.

Zipper Slider Comes Off Completely: This probably goes without saying, but if the zipper slider comes off either one or both rows of zipper teeth, the zipper slider needs to be replaced.

How to Replace a Zipper Slider

Normally you have to unstitch the zipper track from the wetsuit neoprene and sew a whole new zipper track in. This is difficult to do, and can cost anywhere from $40 to $80 to have professionally done (not including the cost of shipping if the wetsuit has to be sent to a manufacturer).

FixnZip replaces the zipper slider in just second without tools or sewing. FixnZip® is a replacement zipper slider that allows you to repair a broken zipper without tools or sewing. The thumbscrew on the FixnZip® allows you to slide it right over the existing zipper teeth, and then lock it into place. Check out the video below for a demo.

Other Questions:

  • What Size Do I need? The FixnZip® size LARGE fits zipper sizes 8-10, and works great for wetsuits.
  • Will it rust? No, the FixnZip® is made from Zinc and Stainless Steel parts.
  • Where Can I Buy One? Currently you can buy it on our Online Store. The FixnZip® is starting to be carried by dive stores across the country, so call your local dive retailer and ask if they carry it.
  • Distribution: The FixnZip® is being distributed by the awesome people at Trident Dive. If you’re a retailer and want to carry it in your dive store, give them a call or an email. They have hands down the best customer service in the industry.

Have fun on the water this summer, and remember it's never a bad idea to carry a spare FixnZip® in your gear bag, just in case. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us using the Contact page, or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter.


Let me begin by saying that I hate to shop for pants. It seems like a miracle when I can actually find a pair that fit right AND are on sale. So you can imagine my frustration when the zipper on my semi-new golf shorts broke (kind of like that time I had a broken golf bag zipper).

I was hanging out with the relatives after a nice family dinner, and I realized my shorts zipper had jammed. Sure it was big meal, but I didn’t eat THAT much. Anyway, the zipper was zipped up about half, but the teeth had separated. It was one of those small zippers with the brass teeth. I tried several times to pull the zipper slider (the thing that connects the teeth) back down to the beginning to get it started again, but even after applying pressure with pliers (a tip I picked up from youtube) I couldn’t get the teeth to connect.

The teeth were fine, but the zipper slider needed to be replaced. Normally to do that, you have to un-stitch the old zipper and sew a new one in. Although my wife is an excellent seamstress, she wasn’t too keen to take on the hassle. After having success with the FixnZip® on my golf bag, I decided to try the new size “small” for my zipper repair for pants. For those of you have haven’t read my other post, FixnZip® is a replacement zipper slider that can be installed with no tools and no sewing. So, here’s how to fix a broken zipper on pants.

Replacement Zipper Slider

Since the old brass slider was shot, I removed it with a pair of pliers (technically I could have left it on if I wanted to test the FixnZip® first). I just loosened the thumbscrew on the FixnZip® replacement slider, slipped it over the teeth at the beginning of the zipper track, and tightened the thumbscrew back down. Just like that, the zipper was back up and running.

In addition to shorts, the small is great for items such as jeans, skirts, garments etc. It’s available for purchase at the FixnZip® Online Store for $9.99. And starting at the end of March, you’ll be able to buy the FixnZip® at JoAnn Fabric Stores nationwide.

Still skeptical? Here’s an adorable blog review of the FixnZip® size “small” being used to repair a broken zipper on a pair of children’s pajamas (Click here for Blog Review). If you have any questions on how to fix a broken zipper on pants with FixnZip®, please feel free to email me using the “Contact Us” page or hit us up on Facebook and Twitter.


There must be a broken tent zipper epidemic going on, because the majority of the phone calls I’ve received this week are from people who need tent zipper repair. Actually, it probably has more to do with the fact that spring is here, and people are digging their camping gear out of the garage and finding broken zippers. If you’re having the same problem, just take a deep breath. You’re not alone and there is help. 

When it comes to broken tent zippers, it’s usually one of two things: The zipper slider came off or the teeth aren’t connecting anymore. Either way, you can’t close your tent and that’s a problem. In both of the scenarios, the zipper slider (the thing that goes up and down the track, connecting the teeth) is worn out and needs to be replaced. This might come as a surprise, if you recently bought the tent or spent a lot of money on it. Put simply: most zippers are cheap pieces of junk (yes, even the ones on your expensive camping gear). What’s worse is that a lot of manufactures do not warranty zippersYou can try calling the retailer or manufacturer, but most people are told to go buy a new tent. You could always take your tent to an alterations shop or a seamstress. The process usually involves un-stitching the broken zipper and sewing in a new one. This can easily cost over $100, which search the internet for a cheaper solution and end up finding us.

We manufacture a tent zipper replacement called the FixnZip®. It’s easy to use and requires no tools or sewing to install. It’s made of zinc and is nickel plated, so it is strong and built to last. It’s also entirely manufactured/produced/ assembled in the USA.  It’s perfect for tent zipper repair, and can also be used on other outdoor gear.  We sell it for $9.99 on our online store, and we also have a “Buy 3 get 1 Free + Free Domestic S&H” promo going.

Of course, we think it’s a great solution… we sell it. But don’t just take our word for it. See what other industry pros have said about it:

  • Kayaking blogger at We Stroke recently tried the FixnZip® when the zipper failed on his Coleman tent. Check out his review: "FixnZip to the Rescue"
  • Exploring Elements included FixnZip® in its 2013 “Top 10 Survival Products” at the Outdoor Retailer Trade Show.

Watch the Video below to see how to repair a broken tent zipper using FixnZip® (Note: It’s easier to put the FixnZip® on before you set up the tent.)

Below is a list of frequently asked questions I get about ordering a FixnZip® for a tent.

What Size do I need?
Most likely a Medium. The majority of camping tents use zippers that fall within our Medium size range.  The Medium alone fits zipper sizes 5, 6, 7, 8 and will work on nylon, plastic, and metal teeth or coils. Unless it’s a large canvas tent used for outdoor events, there’s a good chance the Medium will work for your tent.

Can I measure my zipper, just to be sure I get the right one?
Absolutely. Click here to use the measuring guide on our website.

Do I need Nickel or Graphite?
It’s a matter of color preference. The Nickel is brighter and the Graphite is darker. Other than that, they are exactly the same.

What if it doesn’t work?
Send it back and we’ll issue you a full refund.

Miscellaneous tips for installing on a tent:

  • Try installing the FixnZip™ before you put the tent together. It’s much easier to put on when there’s no tension.
  • On a tent zipper, the coils will be visible from either the inside or the outside of the tent. Make sure that the thumbscrew on the FixnZip® is on the same side that the coils are visible (see picture below).

The great thing is that FixnZip® can be used on a tent, sleeping bag, or backpack etc. So don’t wait until you’re out camping and the zipper breaks before you buy one. Keep a spare in your first aid kit just to be prepared. If you have any questions, feel free to call/email, or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter. Now get out there and hit the trail!


We're very excited about all the positive feedback we've been getting since the launch of the FixnZip™, and we wanted to take a moment to share it with you. From blog reviews to awards at tradeshows, and even a feature in a recently published book, people seem to be happy with the product. But why brag about ourselves when other people can do it for us? Here are some links to the various FixnZip awards and reviews we have received from experts in a range of fields. Don't forget to check back as we update the list.

Do you have a review of your own? We love hearing what people think of the product and how they are using it. So head over to our Facebook page and tell us about your experience with FixnZip™. 


FixnZip Earns Hot Award IHA Top 5 AwardFixnZip outdoor gear repair
FixnZip™ was selected as a "Hot 20" product at the 2013 Craft and Hobby Show.Thirty thousand new products were Introduced at the 2013 International Housewares Show. FixnZip™ was awarded in the Top 5 of its category.Backpacker Magazine included FixnZip™ in it's book the "the Complete Guide to Outdoor Maintenance and repair"

FixnZip Most Innovative


FixnZip™ was included in Exploring Elements "Top 10 Survival Products"
 In a review of the Craft and Hobby 2012 Summer Show, FixnZip™ was
In a review of the Craft and Hobby 2012 Summer Show, FixnZip™ was considered to be the most innovative product. Product Pioneer featured FixnZip™ on its blog, giving you a look at the background of our company.

Golf Bag Zipper Problems

I’ve been getting an influx of emails. These emails ask if the FixnZip® will work for a golf bag zipper repair and for golf carts. One guy told me a squirrel attacked his bag and broke the zipper slider. I Googled it; apparently squirrel vandalism is a legitimate issue for the golfing communitywhich is hilarious, until an angry squirrel ruins your $200 bag. Now I’ve never been the victim of squirrel vandalism. However, I did have a zipper slider break on my Srixon golf bag. Here’s what happened to me, and what I did to fix it.

Do you Golf?

FixnZip® was sponsoring the Bridge City Guild golf tournament, benefiting the Children’s Cancer Association. So great! I got to represent the company and play in the tournament. Mind you, I am a garbage golfer! However, I still enjoy playing from time to time. I was running late for the tournament. When I zipped up the pouch that holds my tees and ball markers, the zipper slider broke. It didn’t come clean off, but the teeth wouldn’t connect. The pouch was rendered useless! Often the issue is the zipper slider, not the actual zipper teeth or coils. Luckily for me, I work for a company that deals with this sort of thing. So I ran into the house, grabbed a size medium FixnZip® replacement slider (which fits tooth and coil zippers size 5-8), and ran back out to fix the golf bag. I yanked and the broken slider popped off with a satisfying click! 20 seconds later I had the replacement slider on my golf bag. I was able to perform a golf bag repair without using tools and dash to the tournament in a matter of minutes.

Here's a video demonstrating the installation on my other golf bag:

I’ve already mentioned that I work for the company, but it just goes to show that everyone needs to have one of these around the house. Put a zipper fix kit in a toolbox. Keep one in your backpacking gear. Stuff one in your golf bag. Speaking from personal experience, my handy FixnZip kit saved my golf outing. 

"Can FixnZip be used to repair broken golf bag and golf cart zippers?” 

The answer is Yes.
For a golf bag, I recommend using a FixnZip® size Medium. For a golf cart door or cover use the FixnZip size Large. Both of these options fit on a range of sizes and work on both tooth and coil zippers. This is just a general rule of thumb, but your specific bag or cart might utilize a different zipper size. You can check our sizing guide here.

If you have questions about this post, golf bag zipper pulls, or any other zipper repair topics, add them to the comments below or hit us up on Facebook and Twitter. Ever had a broken zipper on your golf gear? Tell us about it!

Enjoy your weekend, and hit the green while the weather is still nice.


P.S. If you live in the Portland area, be sure to check out the Bridge City Guild at
They’re an awesome non-profit that hosts great events (most involving beer) to benefit youth charities in the local community, such as the Children’s Cancer Association.

Bridge City Guild Golf Tournament

A few members of the Bridge City Guild at the Golf Tournament

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