FixnZip® Retailers

Joann Fabric & Craft (United States)  | COUPON for Joann available

Michael’s (United States)  |

Dunham’s Sports (United States)  |

Whistle Workwear (8 Washington Locations)  |

BI-MART (Oregon, Washington, Idaho)  |

Harley Davidson Latus Motors (Portland, Oregon)  |

Harley Davidson Latus Motors (Eugene, Oregon)  |

Lee Valley Tools (Canada)  |

Mountain Equipment CoOp (Canada)  |

FixnZip New Zealand (New Zealand)  |

FixnZip Australia (Australia)  |

Niton999 (United Kingdom)  |

Tent Spares (United Kingdom)  |

Prices and availability may vary by retailer. Be sure to check with your location to confirm that it’s in stock. As always, you can purchase a FixnZip anytime from our online store.

Retailers: If you’re interested in carrying FixnZip in your store, or if you’d like your store added to our list, please call or email us via or check our list of distributors.

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